Being at home with my children is a joy. The common theme is “there is never a dull moment.” They keep me laughing and on my toes. I blogged some time ago about my love for writing. I had an opportunity recently to work on a project featuring a collection of pieces from a group of contributing writers. It was really exciting to be a part of that process and see it all come together.

I’m claiming this will be the year of completion. This year I expect to complete a project I’ve personally been working on since the latter part of last year. The greatest challenge is finding the time to sit and write. It takes creativity, but I’m disciplining myself to put in the necessary time and work to get this done. In the meantime, I’m beginning to blog more. I was so passionate about starting this blog and just lost focus on keeping it current. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and see what’s going on in our world. I’ve also started writing web based articles on Skin Care and Beauty.

b.k. (before kids) and before leaving Corporate America, my background was Information Technology. I went from Systems Administration, to Project Management, then meeting a husband in the workplace, and finally IT Management. Skin Care, Spa and Wellness has been my side hustle for over 15 years. It has afforded me the opportunity to meet with and talk to a lot of people about eliminating stress, taking care of their skin and making wellness a priority in their lives. I’m very excited through this new venture to have another platform to share my experience, opinions and knowledge.

This will be a balancing act for sure. I expect that in between potty training, playdates, ball games/lessons, baths and bedtime (and even after those little heads have laid down), I’ll be working hard and putting in the time to see this goal become a reality.