Yesterday was Orientation for Jalen and Mireya. We’ve been on the fence about how to approach and proceed with plans for Mireya and school. She is definitely ready, but we want to do what is best for her considering treatment, isolation and the possibility of her not being able to join her class until early next year. We consulted several key people (doctors, specialists, educators and trusted friends/family) about thoughts and options to make this a doable, but also pleasantly memorable time for Mireya. I have to admit, we received great feedback, but also divided stances. Homebound, Homeschool, Hold Off? I chuckled to myself about Homeschooling. Not because I don’t believe I can do it, I totally could…but I was immediately surrounded in Homeschooling ‘good vibes’ because of the many conversations I’ve had with Homeschooling friends. A few of those chats seriously had me on the brink of considering the option (shout out to my Homeschooling Mommy Friends). I just don’t know that I’d want to add the responsibility of homeschooling to the responsibility of managing Reya’s medical care and schedule.
As I left for the Kindergarten Orientation, Mireya was fast asleep in her hospital bed. I wish she could have been there to meet her classmates and experience the buzz and excitement. I visited with her teacher and took pictures and videos of her classroom. Mireya’s teacher also made a video greeting for her, which Reya thought was really special. I met with the Educational team earlier this week to discuss plans for Mireya, ways to keep her connected to the class and the process of transitioning her into the physical school setting. This is something we’ll monitor and take a day at a time. Nothing is set in stone and it all can be changed as needed. It’s not your traditional start to school, but we’re thankful for the resources available for Mireya’s journey and success this year.
Jalen’s orientation was in the afternoon. He enjoyed meeting his teacher, seeing old friends and new classmates. In just a few days, three of the four will be classified as ‘in school’. In the midst of all that has been going on, we were able to coordinate getting our college girl back to school. She had to go back a little earlier for training as an RA. We are very excited and proud of her. Makinley will participate in a preschool program to keep her thriving and socializing (she’s just that kind of girl). Keep us in your prayers as we embark upon a new school year with the expectation of maintaining health, sanity and the excitement for learning.
And to think I was complaining about the getting my two into school with all of their supplies, clothes, open houses, and excitement! You guys are amazing. God has made u amazing!
Praise God for Reya's amazing teacher. That just made me cry. Thankful for good hearts and thoughtful people. xoxo