School Days

School Days

Mireya has had exceptional progress over the last week with counts.  Her counts last month were the best we’ve seen in two years.  Last week her counts were even better than those charted last month.  The Head of Hemoc (Pediatric Hematology and Oncology) had to...


These last few weeks have been so ‘freeing’ for Mireya  Being able to ditch the mask was major, getting her line removed was icing on the cake. She is living life in an entirely new way.  Enjoying every moment with freedom and without limitations.  She is...
Done & Gone

Done & Gone

It’s Time The removal of Mireya’s line was successful and without issue.  We arrived bright and early and waited through the course of the scheduled procedures until we were pulled from the queue for our turn.  Reya has been excited for the last day at the...
Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

We received a call this afternoon from our Nurse in clinic to schedule the removal of Mireya’s line.  It will be taken out on Friday.  Tears filled my eyes and I wanted to jump through the phone and hug her tight.  THANK YOU LORD!!! There are no words to express...
We’re so Excited

We’re so Excited

And just can’t hide it……you know the rest (Bless the Pointer Sisters).  Mireya has been doing fabulously.  Her counts have remained stable and were the best they have been collectively in the last 22 months.  God is so faithful!  She no longer has to...